shower particle

shower particle
ливневая частица (космических лучей)

English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. . 1964.

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Смотреть что такое "shower particle" в других словарях:

  • shower particle — liūties dalelė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. shower particle vok. Schauerteilchen, n rus. ливневая частица, f pranc. particule de la gerbe, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Particle shower — In particle physics, a shower is a cascade of secondary particles produced as the result of a high energy particle interacting with dense matter. The incoming particle interacts, producing multiple new particles with lesser energy; each of these… …   Wikipedia

  • Shower (disambiguation) — A shower can be:Weather* A shower, a short period of rain or snow or hail or sleet ** Mango showers, pre monsoon showers in the Indian states of Karnataka and Kerala that help in the ripening of mangoes ** Sunshower, an unusual meteorological… …   Wikipedia

  • shower — /ˈʃaʊə / (say showuh) noun 1. a brief fall of rain, hail, sleet or snow. 2. a similar fall, as of sparks or bullets. 3. a large supply or quantity: a shower of questions. 4. a party to which people bring presents for a specified recipient. See… …  

  • shower — [ ʃaʊə] noun 1》 a brief and usually light fall of rain or snow. 2》 a mass of small things falling or moving at once.     ↘a large number of things happening or given at the same time: a shower of awards.     ↘a group of particles produced by a… …   English new terms dictionary

  • shower — n. & v. n. 1 a brief fall of esp. rain, hail, sleet, or snow. 2 a a brisk flurry of arrows, bullets, dust, stones, sparks, etc. b a similar flurry of gifts, letters, honours, praise, etc. 3 (in full shower bath) a a cubicle, bath, etc. in which… …   Useful english dictionary

  • particle shower — dalelių liūtis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. particle shower vok. Teilchenschauer, m rus. ливень частиц, m pranc. gerbe de particules, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • shower unit —    a unit of distance used in studying cosmic radiation; it is the distance a charged particle travels in a given material while its energy decreases by 50%. Thus it depends on the material: in air the shower unit is very long, about 230 meters,… …   Dictionary of units of measurement

  • CLEO (particle detector) — CLEO was a general purpose particle detector at the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR), and the name of the collaboration of physicists who operated the detector. The name CLEO is not an acronym; it is short for Cleopatra and was chosen to go… …   Wikipedia

  • Calorimeter (particle physics) — In particle physics, a calorimeter is an experimental apparatus that measures the energy of particles. Most particles enter the calorimeter and initiate a particle shower and the particles energy is deposited in the calorimeter, collected, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Automatic calculation of particle interaction or decay — The automatic calculation of particle interaction or decay is part of the computational particle physics branch. It refers to computing tools that help calculating the complex particle interactions as studied in high energy physics, astroparticle …   Wikipedia

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